Our aim is to provide a high-level of customer service and support to all our customers. However, we recognise that, no matter how hard we try, problems can occur and we won’t always get things right.

If we have made a mistake and you wish to complain, we will take your complaint seriously.

This document outlines what we will do to put things right as quickly as possible.

You can raise a complaint by phone, e-mail, webform or letter using the contact details provided below.

Step 1

Contact the Customer Service team with your complaint. You can do this by phone, email or letter or through the webform on our `contact us’ page. Our front-line team member will ask you for all relevant information regarding your complaint and how we can resolve this for you. They aim to resolve your complaint directly with you, preferably during the initial phone call or, if via email, within 5 days. If they are unable to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, they will escalate the complaint internally to their team leader for further action.

Step 2

If the team leader is not available immediately, they will try and contact you within 3 working days to reach a resolution with you. If they have been unable to speak with you directly, they will contact you in writing outlining their findings and what we can do to resolve your complaint.

Step 3

In the rare cases where we have not been able to agree upon a resolution after this escalation, you have the option to escalate your complaint to the Head of Department for review. Within 10 working they will send you their final written response, along with any new recommendations of actions.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Process

OFCOM requires Communication Providers to ensure they have a Code of Practice for handling complaints for Domestic and Small Business Customers. This includes ensuring that customers are aware that they can refer their complaint to an Alternative Dispute Resolution Scheme (ADR). The ADR is an independent arbitrator who will assess cases for consumers and small businesses and make a judgement for resolution of the issue.

You can refer your complaint for independent adjudication, at no cost to yourself if:

  • 8 weeks have elapsed since the complaint was first raised and you are still not satisfied with our response
  • OR, you have requested that we issue you with a Deadlock letter so you can refer your case to the ADR in advance of this

(We may decline to issue a “Deadlock Letter” if we have reasonable grounds to consider we can resolve your complaint in a timely manner and are taking steps to do so; if the complaint can be considered vexatious; or if the subject-matter of the Complaint is outside the jurisdiction of the ADR scheme.)

ADRs act as an independent middleman and will examine the case from both sides and reach a decision they think fair. Our ADR Scheme is managed by the Communications & Internet Services Adjudication Scheme (CISAS) and you can submit a claim to them online


or by writing to them at the following address: CISAS 70 Fleet Street, London EC4Y 1EU.

If you require a hardcopy of this code, you may download one here or ask us to post it to you.

Avonline Broadband Services Limited


01869 222 895

Opening Hours:

Mon-Sat: 8AM - 6PM

Sun: 10AM - 4PM

(Our number is a standard geographic number and should be included in inclusive minutes packages from landlines or mobiles http://consumers.ofcom.org.uk/files/2010/01/numbering. pdf )

By email:

It helps if you can use the web form available on the Contact Us page or you can mail us directly on the address below. direct email: [email protected]

By letter:

If you would prefer to write to us, please address your letter to:

CUstomer Services


108 Churchill Rd


OX26 4XD

To view the most updated Complaints Handling document click here.