We’ve selected services from the best satellite providers to give you the widest possible choice wherever you live.

Our Superfast packages deliver

Our Avanti packages deliver

15Mbps download, 2Mbps upload

Our Tooway packages deliver

22Mbps download, 6Mbps upload

For information regarding satellite broadband for the Rest of the World - please call to discuss available options.

What type of user am I/How much data might I need?

Major use Number of users
One Two Three Four Five+
5GB - 10GB

We recommend:

Avanti 5 or 10

Tooway 10

10GB - 20GB

We recommend:

Avanti 10 or 20

Tooway 10

20GB - 30GB 30GB - 50GB 50GB - 75GB
Internet 5GB - 20GB

We recommend:

Avanti 10 or 20

Tooway 10

10GB - 30GB 20GB - 50GB 30GB - 75GB 50GB - 100GB
10GB - 30GB 20GB - 50GB 30GB - 75GB 50GB - 100GB 75GB - 125GB
Streaming 20GB - 50GB 30GB - 75GB 50GB - 100GB 75GB - 125GB 125GB - 150GB
Film Downloading 30GB - 100GB 50GB - 125GB 100GB - 150GB 125GB - 150GB 125GB - 150GB


* For online/multi-player gaming and other specialist applications, please see more detailed guidance provided in our FAQ section.